This workshop wasn’t until the third workshop session, so we had plenty of time for other presentations and meetings too. These took place in the plenary room and in a number of smaller rooms at the Gooiland Hotel.
The programme for the day started with a clear, fresh presentation about NEVI’s new house style and updated strategy. Jeroen Harink opened proceedings with this talk, which was short and to the point.

What followed was a varied, well-organised programme with lots of interesting keynote speakers and workshops and enough time to talk to one another.
There were lots of opportunities to meet the huge diversity of people from the business world, care sector, government and trade during the ‘coffee break and get in touch’. Likewise during the lunch and energy breaks.
Halfway through the afternoon, it was time for my presentation! Around thirty interested parties form various sectors were actively involved. The feedback showed that the message was received well.
I drove home with a good feeling, after a lot of new input and conversations…