Changing insights
Recentes has contributed to the development and implementation of a new set of conditions with franchisees for a number of clients. Insights have changed, and the former antithesis model of franchisor versus franchisee no longer suffices. Harmonisation of interests and targets requires a complete U-turn in attitude. When that is successful and there is confidence in the switch to a new model (also) for the financial side of the cooperation, there are still plenty of steps to be taken however. Think in terms of new contracts, design of the automation process, calculation of scenarios.
Prior insight into consequences
However, there must be prior insight into the consequences for all involved, in order to anticipate extremities and undesirable effects. Recentes can support cultural change through clear analyses and prognoses, to achieve the transition to new contracts and arrangements.
This may result in the cooperation with suppliers needing to be redefined, also in terms of pricing and conditions. And so Recentes can contribute at both the front and back of the organisation.
Software package GRIP
In recent years, Recentes had become aware that there are few automated solutions available which enable the monitoring and control of supplier conditions. The GRIP software package is currently under development in order to meet the clear need in this field. We are doing so in collaboration with Breda-based AXI, a well-known IT supplier in retail, among other areas. This package will be available on the market early in 2018 and will eventually support the entire purchasing cycle: from negotiation, registration of contracts/conditions, to the annual alignment and settlement with suppliers. It is a fascinating development, which will help our clients rid themselves of the lion’s share of their Excel lists. In providing this package, Recentes is clearly contributing to the long-term interests of its clients.