Nick (1998) worked, after his study in Finance & Control, at Atlant Zorggroep in Beekbergen. He mainly worked on the internal Business Intelligence Tool of this organization. Nick likes to give people new insights by creating interactive dashboards or using his analytical skills. At Recentes, he can use this knowledge and skills for his first assignment: Bunzl.
I think it's important to continuously develop myself. In a world in which there are constant major changes, I want to stay ahead of the game by following the latest developments in the field of finance. I get a lot of energy when I can make a significant contribution within the company where I work. Increasing the profitability of the organization by realizing cost savings and revenue, that's where I get my satisfaction.
Eager to learn, helpful, examined, accurate, structured
‘Think of everything; don’t forget anything’
Evaluator / Complete Finisher